
Top tips for March

3/17/20241 min read

Spring is finally starting to arrive so it's time to get some chores done in the garden.

Top 5 tips for March:

  1. Prune bush and climbing roses - pruning will help improve the health and lifespan of the rose.

  2. Plant onion sets and shallots, such versatile vegetables, handy to have you own. You can grown them and freeze them to use when you like.

  3. Plant Summer-flowering bulbs. Gladioli, lilies and Eucomis to name a few, it will make a beautiful display for the summer.

  4. Plant Early Potatoes. Planting them now, they will be ready for the Sunday dinner table come June.

  5. Keep a few dandelions in your garden, to help support the early rising bees, especially the Panatloon bees.

yellow flower on brown stick
yellow flower on brown stick